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@article{Strassmann2021, author = {A Strassmann and K {de Hoogh} and M Röösli and S R \textbf{Haile} and A Turk and M Bopp and MA {Puhan for the Swiss National Cohort Study Group}}, journal = {Environ Health Perspect}, title = {{NO}$_2$ and {PM}$_{2.5}$ Exposures and Lung Function in Swiss Adults: Estimated Effects of Short-Term Exposures and Long-Term Exposures with and without Adjustment for Short-Term Deviations}, year = {2021}, number = {1}, volume = {129}, doi = {10.1289/EHP7529}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/StrassmannEtAl2021_EHP7529.pdf:PDF}, pmid = {33502909}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{UlyteEtAl2021, author = {A Ulyt\.{e} and T Radtke and I A Abela and S R \textbf{Haile} and C Berger and M Schanz and M Schwarzmueller and A Trkola and Jan Fehr and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {BMJ}, title = {Clustering and longitudinal change in {SARS-CoV-2} seroprevalence in school-children: prospective cohort study of 55 schools in the canton of {Zurich, Switzerland}}, year = {2021}, pages = {n616}, volume = {372}, doi = {10.1136/bmj.n616}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Ulyte2021_BMJ_bmj.n616.full.pdf:PDF}, pmid = {33731327}, timestamp = {2024-02-05} }
@article{RieglerEtAl2021, author = {T F Riegler and A Frei and S R \textbf{Haile} and T Radtke}, journal = {ERJ Open Research}, title = {Accompanied versus unaccompanied walking for continuous oxygen saturation measurement during 6-minute walk test in {COPD}: a randomised cross-over study}, year = {2021}, number = {3}, pages = {00921-2020}, volume = {7}, doi = {10.1183/23120541.00921-2020}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Riegler2021_00921-2020.full.pdf:PDF}, pmid = {34350276}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{HaileEtAl2021, author = {S R \textbf{Haile} and T \textbf{F\"uhner} and U Granacher and J Stocker and T Radtke and S Kriemler}, journal = {BMJ Open}, title = {Reference values and validation of the 1-min sit-to-stand test in healthy 5- to 16-year-old youth: a cross-sectional study}, year = {2021}, pages = {e049143}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049143}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Haile2021_STS_e049143.full.pdf:PDF}, pmid = {33963059}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{RadtkeEtAl2020device, author = {T Radtke and Q {de Groot} and S R \textbf{Haile} and M Maggi and C C W Hsia and H Dressel}, journal = {ERJ Open Research}, title = {Lung diffusing capacity for nitric oxide measured by two commercial devices: a randomised crossover comparison in healthy adults}, year = {2021}, number = {3}, volume = {7}, doi = {10.1183/23120541.00193-2021}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Radtke2021_dlco_00193-2021.full.pdf:PDF}, pmid = {34435029}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{UlyteEtAl2021_r2, author = {A Ulyt\.{e} and T Radtke and I A Abela and S R \textbf{Haile} and J Blankenberger and R Jung and C Capelli and C Berger and A Frei and M Huber and M Schanz and M Schwarzmueller and A Trkola and Jan Fehr and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {BMJ Open}, title = {Variation in {SARS-CoV-2} seroprevalence across districts, schools and classes: baseline measurements from a cohort of primary and secondary school children in {Switzerland}}, year = {2021}, number = {7}, pages = {e047483}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047483}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Ulyte2021_BMJopen_e047483.full.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {34334656}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{BirrerEtAl2021, author = {DL Birrer and H Golcher and R Casadei and S R \textbf{Haile} and R Fritsch and S Hussung and TB Brunner and R Fietkau and T Meyer and R Gruetzmann and S Merkel and C Ricci and C Ingaldi and M {Di Marco} and A Guido and C Serra and F Minni and B Pestalozzi and H Petrowsky and M DeOliveira and W O Bechstein and C J Bruns and C E Oberkofler and M A Puhan and M Lesurtel and S Heinrich and P A Clavien}, journal = {Ann Surg}, title = {Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: A New Standard of Care. Pooled Data from Three Randomized Controlled Trials}, year = {2021}, number = {5}, pages = {713--720}, volume = {274}, doi = {10.1097/SLA.0000000000005126}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Birrer2021_Neoadjuvant_Therapy_for_Resectable_Pancreatic.6.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {34334656}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{BlankenbergerEtAl2021, author = {J Blankenberger and S R \textbf{Haile} and M A Puhan and C Berger and T Radtke and S Kriemler and A Ulyt\.{e}}, journal = {Front Pediatr}, title = {Prediction of past {SARS-CoV-2} infections: a prospective cohort study among {Swiss} schoolchildren}, year = {2021}, volume = {9}, doi = {10.3389/fped.2021.710785}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Blankenberger2021_fped-09-710785.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {34485200}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{radtke2021_cf2, author = {T \textbf{Radtke} and S R \textbf{Haile} and C Beenden and H Dressel}, journal = {PLOS One}, title = {{COVID-19} pandemic restrictions continuously impact on physical activity in adults with cystic fibrosis}, year = {2021}, number = {9}, pages = {e0257852}, volume = {16}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0257852}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Radtke2021_cf_journal.pone.0257852.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {34555108}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Ulyte2021_r3, author = {A Ulyt\.{e} and T Radtke and I A Abela and S R \textbf{Haile} and P Ammann and C Berger and A Trkola and J Fehr and MA Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Swiss Med Wkly}, title = {Evolution of {SARS-CoV-2} seroprevalence and clusters in school children from {June} 2020 to {April} 2021: prospective cohort study {Ciao Corona}}, year = {2021}, pages = {w30092}, volume = {151}, doi = {10.4414/smw.2021.w30092}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Ulyte2021_SMW_smw_151_w30092.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{radtke2021_cfch, author = {T Radtke and S R \textbf{Haile} and H Dressel and C Benden}, journal = {ensemble: Das Magazin der CF-Familie}, title = {{COVID-19}: Welchen {E}influss hat das {C}oronavirus auf {CF}-Betroffeneund deren {A}ngehörige?}, year = {2021}, volume = {2}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/CF_Schweiz_Nov_2021 (1).pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{ulyte2022_3cohorts, author = {A Ulyt\.{e} and S R \textbf{Haile} and J Blankenberger and T Radtke and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Swiss Med Wkly}, title = {{SARS-CoV-2} seroprevalence in children, parents and school personnel from {June} 2020 to {April} 2021: cohort study of 55 schools in {Switzerland}}, year = {2022}, month = jun, pages = {w30193}, volume = {152}, doi = {10.4414/smw.2022.w30193}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Ulyte2022_ciao.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {35752960}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Peralta2022, author = {G P Peralta and A-L Camerini and S R \textbf{Haile} and C R Kahlert and E Lorthe and L Marciano and A Nussbaumer and T Radtke and A Ulyt\.{e} and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Int J Public Health}, title = {Lifestyle behaviours of children and adolescents during the first two waves of the {COVID-19} pandemic in {Switzerland} and their relation to well-being: a population-based study}, year = {2022}, month = sep, volume = {67}, doi = {10.3389/ijph.2022.1604978}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Peralta2022_lifestyle.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36158782}, timestamp = {2024-02-05} }
@article{amman2022, author = {P Ammann and A Ulyt\.{e} and S R \textbf{Haile} and M A Puhan and S Kriemler and T Radtke}, journal = {Swiss Med Wkly}, title = {Perceptions towards mask use in school children during the {SARS-CoV-2} pandemic: the {Ciao Corona} Study}, year = {2022}, month = apr, pages = {w30165}, volume = {152}, doi = {10.4414/smw.2022.w30165}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Amma2022_facemasks.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {35748765}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Zens2022, author = {K Zens and S R \textbf{Haile} and A J Schmidt and ES Altpeter and J S Fehr and P Lang}, journal = {BMJ Open}, title = {A Retrospective, Matched Case-Control Analysis of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Vaccine Effectiveness by Booster Interval, {Switzerland} 2006-2020}, year = {2022}, month = apr, pages = {e061228}, volume = {12}, doi = {10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061228}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Zens2022.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {35459683}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Menges2022, author = {D Menges and H G Yebyo and S Sivec-Muniz and S R \textbf{Haile} and M C Barbier and Y Tomonaga and M Schwenkglenks and M A Puhan}, journal = {Eur Urol Oncol}, title = {Treatments for Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer: Systematic Review, Network Meta-Analysis and Benefit-Harm Assessment}, year = {2022}, month = dec, number = {6}, pages = {605--616}, volume = {5}, doi = {10.1016/j.euo.2022.04.007}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Menges2022.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {35599144}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Haile2023, author = {S R \textbf{Haile} and A Raineri and S Rueegg and T Radtke and A Ulyt\.{e} and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Swiss Med Wkly}, title = {Heterogeneous evolution of {SARS-CoV-2} seroprevalence in school-age children: Results from the school-based cohort study {Ciao Corona} in {N}ovember-{D}ecember 2021 in the canton of {Z}urich}, year = {2023}, month = jan, number = {1}, pages = {40035}, volume = {153}, doi = {10.57187/smw.2023.40035}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Haile2023_ciaoR4.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36787493}, timestamp = {2024-02-05} }
@article{zumbrunnen, author = {V Zumbrunnen and T F Riegler and S R \textbf{Haile} and T Radtke}, journal = {ERJ open research}, title = {The Impact of Seat-Height on 1-Minute Sit to Stand Test Performance in {COPD}: A Randomised Cross-over Trial}, year = {2022}, month = sep, number = {00033-2022}, volume = {8}, doi = {10.1183/23120541.00033-2022}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Zumbrunnen2022.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36171989}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{radtke2022_activatecf, author = {T Radtke and S Kriemler and L Stein and C Karila and DS Urquhart and D M Orenstein and LC Lands and C Schindler and E Eber and SR \textbf{Haile} and H {Hebestreit, on behalf of the ACTIVATE-CF Study Working Group}}, journal = {J Cyst Fibros}, title = {Cystic fibrosis related diabetes is not associated with maximal aerobic exercise capacity in cystic fibrosis: a cross-sectional analysis of an international multicenter trial ({ACTIVATE-CF})}, year = {2023}, month = jan, number = {1}, pages = {31--38}, volume = {22}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcf.2022.06.012}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Radtke2023_cfrd.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {35803884}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Muralitharan2022, author = {N Muralitharan and Peralta, G P and \textbf{Haile}, S R and Radtke, T and Ulyte, A and Puhan, M A and Kriemler, S}, journal = {Int J Public Health}, title = {Parents' working conditions in the early {COVID-19} pandemic and children's health-related quality of life: the {Ciao Corona} study}, year = {2022}, volume = {67}, doi = {10.3389/ijph.2022.1605036}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Muralitharan2022_parentswork_ciao.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36090838}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Ruckstuhl2022, author = {L Ruckstuhl and A Czock and S R \textbf{Haile} and P Lang}, journal = {Vaccine}, title = {Influence of cantonal health policy frameworks and activities on the influenza vaccination rate in patients with non-communicable diseases in {S}witzerland}, year = {2022}, number = {44}, pages = {6326--36}, volume = {40}, doi = {10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.09.038}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Ruckstuhl2022.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36154757}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{barbier2022, author = {M C Barbier and Y Tomonaga and D Menges and H Yebyo and S R \textbf{Haile} and M A Puhan and M Schwenkglenks}, journal = {PLOS One}, title = {Survival modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for newly diagnosed metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer}, year = {2022}, number = {11}, pages = {e0277282}, volume = {17}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0277282}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Barbier2022_hta.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36327294}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Peralta2022_flip, author = {G P Peralta and R Piatti and S R \textbf{Haile} and M Adams and D Bassler and A Moeller and G Natalucci and S Kriemler}, journal = {Eur J Pediatr}, title = {Respiratory morbidity in preschool and school-age children born very preterm and its association with parents’ health-related quality of life and family functioning}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/s00431-022-04783-3}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Peralta2023_respiratory.pdf:PDF}, howpublished = {medRxiv}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36607410}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{schlaepfer2023, author = {M T Schmidt and M Studer and A Kunz and S Studer and J M Bonvini and M Bueter and L Kook and SR \textbf{Haile} and A Pregernig and B Beck-Schimmer and M Schl\"apfer}, journal = {BMC Anesthesiology}, title = {There is no evidence that carbon dioxide-enriched oxygen before apnea affects the time to arterial desaturation, but it might improve cerebral oxygenation in anesthetized obese patients. A single-blinded randomized crossover trial.}, year = {2023}, number = {41}, volume = {23}, doi = {10.1186/s12871-023-01982-9}, file = {:/mnt/sahail/UZHAD/publications_full/Schlaepfer2023.pdf:PDF}, owner = {sahail}, pmid = {36747148}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{Haile2023_hrqol, author = {S R \textbf{Haile} and S Gunz and G P Peralta and A Ulyt\.e and A Raineri and S Rueegg and V Yasenok and T Radtke and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Int J Public Health}, title = {Health-related quality of life and adherence to lifestyle recommendations in schoolchildren during the {COVID-19} pandemic: results from the longitudinal cohort study {Ciao Corona}}, year = {2023}, number = {1606033}, volume = {68}, doi = {10.3389/ijph.2023.1606033}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-15} }
@article{kerksieck2023, author = {P Kerksieck and T Ballouz and S R \textbf{Haile} and C Schumacher and J Lacy and A Domenghino and JS Fehr and GF Bauer and H Dressel and M A Puhan and D Menges}, journal = {Lancet Reg Health Eur}, title = {Post {COVID-19} Condition, Work Ability and Occupational Changes: Results from a Population-based Cohort}, year = {2023}, number = {100671}, volume = {31}, doi = {10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100671}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{raineri2023, author = {A Raineri and T Radtke and S Rueegg and S R \textbf{Haile} and D Menges and T Ballouz and A Ulyte and J Fehr and DL Cornejo and G Pantaleo and C Pellaton and C Fenwick and M A Puhan and S Kriemler}, journal = {Nat Commun}, title = {Persistent humoral immune response in youth throughout the {COVID-19} pandemic: prospective school-based cohort study}, year = {2023}, number = {7764}, volume = {14}, doi = {10.1038/s41467-023-43330-y}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-09} }
@article{staiger2023, author = {R D Staiger and D Curley and N V Attwood and S R \textbf{Haile} and T Arulampalam and J C Simpson}, journal = {Langenbecks Arch Surg}, title = {Surgical outcome improvement by shared decision making: Value of a preoperative multidisciplinary target clinic for the elderly in colorectal surgery}, year = {2023}, number = {316}, volume = {408}, doi = {10.1007/s00423-023-03031-y}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-01-22} }
@article{sieber2024, author = {C Sieber and C Haag and A Polhemus and S R \textbf{Haile} and R Sylvester and J Kool and R Gonzenbach and V {von Wyl}}, journal = {JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol}, title = {What are the major barriers to physical activity in persons with multiple sclerosis? An observational longitudinal study}, year = {2024}, pages = {e52733}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.2196/52733}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-03-20} }
@article{richter2024, author = {C Richter and L Wildisen and S Rohrmann and S R \textbf{Haile}}, journal = {Eur J Cancer Prev}, title = {Better tools for better estimates: Improving approaches to handling missing data in {S}wiss Cancer registries}, year = {2024}, month = sep, number = {5}, volume = {33}, doi = {10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000881}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-08-11} }
@article{haile2024_det, author = {S R \textbf{Haile} and G P Peralta and A Raineri and S Rueegg and A Ulyt\.e and M A Puhan and T Radtke and S Kriemler}, journal = {Eur J Pediatr}, title = {Determinants of health-related quality of life in healthy children and adolescents during the {COVID-19} pandemic: results from a prospective longitudinal cohort study}, year = {2024}, pages = {2273--2283}, volume = {183}, doi = {10.1007/s00431-024-05459-w}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-06-10} }
@article{Abela2024, author = {I A Abela and M Schwarzmüller and A Ulyte and T Radtke and S R \textbf{Haile} and P Ammann and A Raineri and S Rueegg and S Epp and C Berger and J Böni and A Manrique and A Audigé and M Huber and P W Schreiber and T Scheier and J Fehr and J Weber and P Rusert and H F Günthard and R D Kouyos and M A Puhan and S Kriemler and A Trkola and C Pasin}, journal = {mBio}, title = {Cross-protective {HCoV} immunity reduces symptom development during {SARS-CoV-2} infection}, year = {2024}, number = {2}, pages = {e02722-23}, volume = {15}, doi = {10.1128/mbio.02722-23}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-08-19} }
@article{fliphrqol2024, author = {S R \textbf{Haile} and G P Peralta and M Adams and A Bharadwaj and D Bassler and A Moeller and G Natalucci and T Radtke and S Kriemler}, journal = {BMJ Paediatrics Open}, title = {Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents born very preterm and its correlates}, year = {2024}, pages = {e002885}, volume = {8}, doi = {10.1136/bmjpo-2024-002885}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-03-08} }
@article{debandt2024, author = {D {De Bandt} and S R \textbf{Haile} and B Bourrion and L Devillers and D Menges}, journal = {BMJ Mental Health}, title = {Prescriptions of Antidepressants and Anxiolytics in {F}rance 2012-2022 and Changes with the {COVID-19} Pandemic: Interrupted Time Series Analysis}, year = {2024}, pages = {e301026}, volume = {27}, doi = {10.1136/bmjment-2024-301026}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-02-27} }
@article{staiger2024, author = {R D Staiger and T Mehra and S R \textbf{Haile} and A Domenghino and C Kümmerli and F Abbassi and D Kozbur and P Dutkowski and M A Puhan and P-A Clavien}, journal = {HPB}, title = {Experts vs. Machine: Comparison of Machine Learning to Expert-Informed Prediction of Outcome After Major Liver Surgery}, year = {2024}, number = {5}, pages = {674-681}, volume = {26}, doi = {10.1016/j.hpb.2024.02.006}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-06-10} }
@article{zens2024, author = {Zens, K D and Altpeter, E and Wymann, M and Mack, A and Baer, N B and \textbf{Haile}, S R and Fehr, J and Lang, P}, journal = {Eurosurveillance}, title = {A Combined Cross-Sectional Analysis and Case-Control Study Evaluating Tick Borne Encephalitis Vaccination Coverage, Disease and Vaccine Effectiveness in Children 0-17 in {S}witzerland, 2005-2022}, year = {2024}, number = {18}, pages = {pii=2300558}, volume = {29}, doi = {10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.18.2300558}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-06-10} }
@article{radtke2024, author = {T Radtke and von Wyl, V and \textbf{Haile}, S R and Rohrmann, S and Puhan, M A}, journal = {Int J Epidemiol}, title = {Evidence-based coaching of core competencies in epidemiology using the framework of randomised controlled trials: the {Z}urich approach}, year = {2024}, number = {3}, pages = {dyae075}, volume = {53}, doi = {10.1093/ije/dyae075}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-06-10} }
@article{kuhn2024, author = {M Kuhn and C F Clarenbach and A Kläy and M Kohler and L C Mayer and M Lüchinger and B Andrist and T Radtke and S R \textbf{Haile} and N A Sievi and D Kohlbrenner}, journal = {BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil}, title = {Exploring Immediate Cardiorespiratory Responses: Low- Intensity Blood Flow Restricted Cycling vs. Moderate-Intensity Traditional Exercise in a Randomized Crossover Trial}, year = {2024}, number = {172}, volume = {16}, doi = {10.1186/s13102-024-00951-0}, owner = {sahail}, timestamp = {2024-08-19} }
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